Category Archives: Uncategorized

Understanding of Self

Why do we enter into a relationship? For love? Ideally yes, it should be. But, do we actually be in a relationship for love? No. One enters a relationship for various reasons, first one could be security, peer pressure, the

Understanding of Self

Why do we enter into a relationship? For love? Ideally yes, it should be. But, do we actually be in a relationship for love? No. One enters a relationship for various reasons, first one could be security, peer pressure, the

A refund has been issued

  An SMS early in the morning at 4.17 AM (screenshot), Income Tax department has issued me a refund of Rs. 86,250.09. Wow, that is a hell lot of money early in the morning. SO let’s see, what am I

A refund has been issued

  An SMS early in the morning at 4.17 AM (screenshot), Income Tax department has issued me a refund of Rs. 86,250.09. Wow, that is a hell lot of money early in the morning. SO let’s see, what am I

The Valley of false Glimmer

It has been often said, that life is a lie and we are living a lie. The only truth here is mortality. Nobody is immortal. Then, why are we here on this planet? What is the purpose of our lives?

The Valley of false Glimmer

It has been often said, that life is a lie and we are living a lie. The only truth here is mortality. Nobody is immortal. Then, why are we here on this planet? What is the purpose of our lives?

It’s okay

It’s okay to feel like a mess sometimes. It’s okay to be not okay all the time. It’s okay to recover at your own pace. Life is not a race. It’s okay to grow at your own pace. ~ Maverick

It’s okay

It’s okay to feel like a mess sometimes. It’s okay to be not okay all the time. It’s okay to recover at your own pace. Life is not a race. It’s okay to grow at your own pace. ~ Maverick